
Few people know that Melanin is found in almost every organ of the body and is necessary in order for the brain and nerves to operate, the eyes to see, and the cells to reproduce!

Thus, Melanin is vastly more than just a "pigment" coloring the skin and hair. At the core of your brain is the "locus coeruleus," a structure that is BLACK because it contains large amounts of Melanin which is essential in order for it to operate! In fact, all the most crucial brain structures are heavily melanized! "Brain melanin is concentrated in a region that functions as a gate for all sensory, motor, emotional and motivational input and output" as well as a region that mediates conscious awareness in general. Dr. Richard King considers the presence of Melanin to be a key agent in heightening psychic sensitivity in the human organism. Dr. Frank Barr suggests (neuro)Melanin may join forces with the glial cells (formerly seen as only the 'glue' of the nervous system) to form a subtly triggered matrix for mental organization that is, the "mind's eye."

Melanin in the Brain increases from the lower
primates and reaches its peak in the BLACK HUMAN..

"All humans possess this Black internal brain evidence of their common Black Afrikan Origin. The All Black neuromelanin nerve tract of the brain is profound proof that the human race is a Black race, with many variations of Black, from Black-Black to White-Black, all internally rooted in a vast sea of Brain Blackness."

"Humanity may differ in outer appearance, with variations of colors but internally they are all black, all African at the core. The question for all humans is how to relate to this blackness. A transformation process requires, first, the right heart or feelings and profound African knowledge as taught in ancient African universities. Today's racist is afraid, ignorant of his/her blackness, choosing to run from the ancestral Black core. Today's reborn black masters will accept their blackness, become unified with the universe and be inspired to creative genius at levels that surpass the pyramids."

Dr. Richard King
African Origin of Biological Psychiatry (p31, 24)

Melanin is found everywhere, throughout Nature...
in animals, plants (that's why raisins and banana bruises are brown), the soil, waters of creeks, lakes, seas, and even in comets! Concentrations vary from parts per million to parts per billion, and it is soluble in liquid phases.
Melanin is necessary for humans to reproduce!
Melanin is abundantly present at the inception of life: a Melanin sheath covers both the sperm and the egg! In the human embryo, the melanocytes (skin pigment cells), the brain, and the nerve cells all originate from the same place; the neural crest. Melanocytes resemble nerve cells and are essential for conveying energy. When the presence of Melanin is missing or insufficient in the ectoderm, this causes the mother to lose her baby; in the case of all whites, a defective baby is produced.
Melanin is the major organizing molecule in living systems
Dr. Frank Barr, pioneering discoverer of Melanin's organizing ability and other properties, opens his technical work, Melanin: The Organizing Molecule: "The hypothesis is advanced that (neuro)melanin (in conjunction with other pigment molecules such as the isopentenoids) functions as the major organizational molecule in living systems. Melanin is depicted as an organizational "trigger" capable of using established properties such as photon- (electron)- photon conversions, free radical-redox mechanism, ion exchange mechanisms, ion exchange mechanisms, and semiconductive switching capabilities to direct energy to strategic molecular systems and sensitive hierarchies of protein enzyme cascades. Melanin is held capable of regulating a wide range of molecular interactions and metabolic processes..."
Melanin's Main Properties: It absorbs, stores & transforms energy. It has "black hole" properties.
Black Melanin can convert light energy to sound energy and back again!

Melanin is BLACK because its chemical structure allows no energy to escape. It is also Black because Black is the perfect absorber of light and all energy frequencies, making Black Melanin the super absorber of Energy and Light! Thus scientists describe it as acting like a "black hole."

Melanin can rearrange its chemical structure to absorb ALL energy across the radiant energy spectrum (sunlight, X-rays, music, sound, radar, radio waves...) and can transmute and store this energy for later use!

Melanin can absorb a great amount of energy and yet not produce a tremendous amount of heat when it absorbs this energy, because it can transform harmful energy into useful energy. According to Dr. Leon Edelstein*, Melanin can absorb tremendous quantities of energy of all kinds, including energy from sunlight, x-ray machines, and energy that is formed within cells during the metabolism of cells. He theorizes that Melanin has the ability to neutralize the potentially harmful effects of these energies.

In Dr. Frank Barr's theory, matter is shaped and structured by light: that is, matter is organized through the interaction of molecules composed of slowed-down light. These molecular [Melanin] combinations "eat" light in order to maintain, expand and evolve matter. The more highly evolved a species, the more complex its biological capacity to use light.

Melanin has superconducting properties; it shows evidence of being a room-temperature (biological) super-conductor. Normally, superconductivity occurs only at very low temperatures.

Melanin is like a battery. Melanin "may be viewed as a battery that is partially charged and can always accept an electrical charge!"

1 When sunlight or other energy comes in contact with the Melanin battery, it increases the charge of the battery to a certain degree. When the energy is captured, the battery has more energy to use in the body. "This means that the BLACK HUMAN can charge up his MELANIN just by being in the sun or around the right type of musical sounds or other energy sources."

2 Melanin in the eye receives light and converts it into the electrical energy that comes across as an image.

Melanin and Bio/Nanotechnology
Nakato Lewis

"Mumia, a powder derived from dried Egyptian mummies, was one of the most valued commodities on the apothecaries' shelves. Believed to contain powerful, mystical cures for many diseases, the demand for mumia in 17th-century Europe was so great that it was impossible to supply it. As a result, medical charlatans grew wealthy selling fake mumia, made from the remains of recently executed prisoners. In addition, the oils and resins used in embalming the body were so potent, that the mummies sold to doctors in Europe distilled the dressings for use in their medicines. Embalming was one of the principal uses of aromatherapy, preserving the tissue of the bodies for thousands of years - Empirics, Quacks, and Alternative Medical Practices

Nanotechnology is the science of manipulating matter, such as black materials, sometimes smaller than 100 nanometers and taking advantages of the properties, such as electrical conductivity, that is present only at that level. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, or about one-millionth the size of a pin head. The prefix comes from "nanos," the Greek word for dwarf. Nanotechnology has been around for several decades, but only now is its potential starting to be realized. Medicine is expected to be only one of the fields to benefit most from the technology.

One of the first things we learn in science class is that there are three states of matter, gas, liquid and solid. All black materials belong to the solid state and follow its laws. Black materials are present in the entire universe and are of great interest for the evolution of our planet and living systems. They are present in the lithosphere as minerals, graphite, black shale, fullerenes; in the hydrosphere as black particles in seas, lakes and rivers; in the atmosphere as soot and smoke; in cosmos as fullerenes and cosmids; and in the universe as black holes. In the biosphere, black matter is better known as the melanin (black pigment) molecule, in all its forms. The chemical element carbon is the basis of most life on this planet and is also black in colour. Melanin constitutes a class of pigments, which are widespread in humans, animals and vegetables. While the name melanin in Greek means black, not all melanin as pigments are black but may vary from brown to yellow. It belongs to a family of unique and very stable black substances that is present throughout nature and the universe.

Physical Characteristics of Black Materials and Melanin

But even before we learn about the different states of matter, we learn that matter cannot be created or destroyed, only rearranged. One of the physical characteristics of black materials is the ability to rearrange its chemical structure to absorb all energy across the radiant energy spectrum. Reflected energy is white light, i.e. from the sun, in the visible range whereas absorbed energy is black in colour. Melanin absorbs light energy, sound energy and electromagnetic energy. Melanin has many other interesting properties too, such as ultraviolet absorption, where it is currently being utilized in the preparation of UV-absorbing optical lenses and in cosmetic creams.

The colours of melanin are those of a pure semiconductor. As with other black materials, such as graphite and fullerenes, this state is subject to changes by doping with other materials. All black materials, including melanin, show a remarkable affinity for metals and exhibit the ability to form charge-transfer complexes, which can carry either a positive or a negative charge. Melanin can conduct electricity without offering resistance to the flow of electricity. This means that melanin has super-conducting capabilities. It also behaves like an insulator in that it will not allow electrical current to pass through its structure, similar to rubber and plastic insulators. The added ability of melanin to undergo polymerization is of great interest in Industry for its nano-technological use in bio-plastics and biopolymers.

Melanin also displays what is called threshold switching (an on/off switch), which means it can function as a bio-mechanical regulator of biological functions. Of even greater interest to the scientific community is its use in the genetic engineering of pharmaceutical drugs for specific diseases and other microbial applications using nanotechnology. For example, two research laboratories at the Savannah River Site in the US are undertaking a study to better understand how scientists can encourage certain bacteria to produce more of a type of melanin, a pigment similar to the one that makes humans’ skin darker, which could be use to clean up metals and radionuclides (radiation particles) in the environment.

This is called bioremediation, the use of living things, such as microbes or plants to clean up environmental contamination. Melanin has been shown to accelerate the rate at which microbes transform metals and radionuclides in the soil. Researchers hope to stimulate the bacteria to produce more melanin by providing them certain nutrients, which in turn, could speed up the rate at which metals and radionuclides currently in the environment are detoxified or immobilized.

In another example, experiments on mice have shown promise for the future of nanotechnology in treating cancer. The technology being tested involves a nano-particle of a hydrogen and carbon polymer with bits of drug bound up in its fabric and attached to a substance that hones in on cancer cells. By successfully treating prostate cancer tumour in mice, this research brings doctors one step closer to being able to inject patients with nanoparticles that bore inside tumours and release powerful doses of cancer-killing drugs while leaving the rest of the body untouched. However, one major problem scientists were having in perfecting the blood injection is that the nanoparticles are ending up in the liver and spleen - an unwanted side effect because once they dissolve in those organs, they release toxic levels of chemotherapy to healthy tissue.
Melanin in Human Physiology

African physiology is based on the melanin biochemical molecule. Melanin is a unique life chemical found in high concentration in people of African descent. In addition to providing pigmentation to hair, skin and eyes, melanin is incorporated into all major systems and vital organs in the body, bringing control of all bodily systems under the central nervous system, the body’s information network. It is in the nervous system, the spinal cord, the glands, the brain, the DNA, the muscles, intestines, the heart, blood and the liver. Its presence can be found throughout nature and is also found in many of our foods.

As a free radical scavenger or oxygen scavenger, melanin has additional anti-toxin characteristics and as such, can serve as a terminator of free radical chain reactions. As a free radical scavenger, melanin plays an important role in preserving cells from the toxic effects of oxygen (antioxidant effect) and is generally present at the site of tissue repair, regeneration of cuts and wounds, and infectious diseases. Melanin also increases the speed of nerve and brain messages which are transmitted between the left and right hemispheres of the brain and all signals transmitted throughout the bodily nerve network. Melanin can bind and release many of the known elements that are essential for proper body metabolism. It readily crosses the blood-brain barrier, and is therefore useful as a carrier for other therapeutic agents that must reach brain tissue to produce their therapeutic responses. A variety of drugs, such as chloroquine, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, etc., were designed to have a high affinity for melanin.

In the past, western medicine considered melanin a waste product of human metabolism, serving no useful function in the body. Modern science has since discovered that the melanin molecule, like other black materials to which it is related, is very old, very refined, complex, multifunctional, biochemical polymer having a wide variety of important functions within the human body and throughout nature. Earlier scientific studies elucidating human biochemical structures never took into account the importance of melanin in the human body. Therefore, early medical and pharmaceutical determinations based the physical, neurological and metabolic responses of animals, in the treatment of disease, only on white or albino animals as a means of extrapolating the mean response of humans to laboratory-produced drugs, chemicals and pesticides. Consequently, the physiological, metabolic and neurological differences in the biological makeup of black people were not included in those studies. This is one of the reasons why western medicine does not work adequately in melanated people and the reason why we suffer so many side-effects from these substances. Race-based medicine, now being developed by the pharmaceutical industry, is based on synthetic and genetically-engineered drugs, chemicals, food and now, melanin.

Naturally-occurring melanins include eumelanins, phaeomelanins, neuromelanins and allomelanins (plant-based). Colours in humans are determined chiefly by two types of melanin, eumelanins and phaeomelanin. Eumelanins are derived from the precursor, tyrosine, generally insoluble and black or brown in colour. Phaeomelanins have tyrosine and cysteine as their precursors, are generally alkali-soluble and much lighter in colour. Under the microscope melanin is brown, non-refractile and finely granular with individual granules, having a diameter of less than 800 nanometers.

Melanins are polymers produced by polymerization of reactive intermediates. The reactive intermediates are produced chemically or enzymatically from precursors consisting of smaller chemical species in varying amounts, such as tyrosine, tryptophan, glutamate, phenylalanine, serotonin, melantonin, dopamine, norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and epinephrine (adrenaline). The term melanin includes naturally- occurring melanins, which are usually high molecular weight polymers (generally, molecular weights in the millions).

Naturally-occurring melanin is formed through natural biochemical pathways. One is diet, involving the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine. Phenylalanine is a dietary chemical that comes from red meat and soya. It is a melanin precursor, which can raise blood pressure. Another pathway for natural melanin production involves the use of the neurotransmitters, epinephrine and norepinephrine. Melanin production is intimately involved with the neural system (neuromelanin) because tyrosine and phenylalanine are also precursors for the neurotransmitters epinephrine, norepinphrine and dopamine.

The metabolic pathway, for the production of melanin from amino acid building blocks, finds maximal presence in those cells that have a high demand for those products, the brain. Brain cells have high levels of tyrosinase because there is a high demand for dopamine. The enzyme, tyrosinase plays a key role in the syntheses of melanins and its derivatives. The substantia nigra, the region of the brain where the concentration of melanin is very high, is noted for cells with high levels of tyrosinase. Insufficient amounts of this enzyme causes melanin deficiencies in some humans. The gene for human tyrosinase has been isolated, genetically sequenced and cloned.

Currently, melanin is being produced synthetically or isolated from natural sources. Natural sources include beef eyes, squid, hair, bacteria such as Streptococcus antibioticus and E. coli, and the human brain, among others.

Benefits and Risks

With the use of genetic engineering and nano-technology, melanins, its precursors and its derivatives are being synthetically produced and patented with predictable molecular weights, particle sizes, and compositions. Consequently, melanins can now be attached to antibodies and thus targeted for specific cells (e.g. liver cells). Melanin has a number of properties, which can be exploited to alter both cellular metabolism and/or remove or introduce intra- and intercellular toxins. Such properties include oxygen and free radical scavenging, metal binding, binding of organic cationic species, catalysis of coupled reduction-oxidation reactions. These properties are not interdependent, and melanin can be selectively altered and optimized. Drugs can be covalently bound to melanin or just adsorbed on its surface. They can be attached in such a manner that induces cellular metabolism at the target cell and cause release of the therapeutic agent.

Other therapeutic uses of bio-synthetic melanin are: 1) to treat melanin deficiencies; 2) to prevent neurodegenerative diseases of the nervous system caused by exposure to toxic agents; and 3) to assist in the recovery of neurons, injured as a result of direct injury or disease. In fact, the therapeutics uses of melanin and its derivatives stated above have already been patented in the U.S. In fact, there are a number of patents on the process of genetically-engineered melanin production using genetically-engineered microorganisms. In addition, nanoparticles of melanin can enter human cells as well as the soil, can trigger chemical reactions and can interfere with normal biological and ecological processes. Synthetic nanoparticles can readily cross the skin-blood-brain barrier, which should be of major concern to people of colour. This technology is suitable for bioterrorism and this is just the tip of the iceberg. A recent analysis of human genome data in public databases reveals that hundreds, possibly thousands of markers for ethnic-specific weapons do exist. In Black people there are some 15,000 possible biochemical markers that exist as future bioweapons.

The world is truly becoming a very dangerous place. The genetic modification of the common foods we eat in the production of vaccines, herbicides and pesticides and the rearrangement of plant and animal cells in bio/nanotechnology to produce so-called desired physical and biochemical characteristics across species is arrogant and foolish. The melanated God that created the universe and us along with it, cannot be outdone. Is western science trying to demonstrate that God is not perfect because some of his creations require fixing? The illnesses and diseases with which we are confronted are not from God. Although we have no control over the type of genes we receive at birth, the majority of the diseases that we acquire in our lifetime are from our own doing. It is humans that are polluting the earth and in polluting the earth, we pollute ourselves and our environment. Through genetic engineering and nanotechnology, they have opened up Pandora's box and we may not be able to close it. It has already gone too far.

The United States is the world leader in nanotechnology but is not paying enough attention to the environmental, health and safety risks posed by nanoscale products, says a report released by the independent National Research Council. At least 50 harmful effects can be attributed to genetically modified and engineered entities. About 300 consumer products on the shelves already contain nanoscale ingredients, including several foods and many cosmetics, with little or no research to document their safety. The industry is expected to be worth about $2 trillion by 2014. So as you can see, the quacks are at it again.

Jonathan Goldman tells in his book, Healing Sound, about a mind shaking experience in a completely dark cave in Palenque in Mexico, where his guide asked him to perform harmonious singing. When he began to tone harmonics towards the area the guide has indicated before the lights went out, the cave began to become illuminated, but it was not ordinarily light. It was more subtle, but it was definitely lighter in the room. The outline and figures of the people there could be seen and everyone was aware of it.
This experience was one of the more dramatic episodes in his life. It was only later that he began to process the experience and try to understand what had gone on: "I had been able to use sound to create light".
His conclusion was: by use of vocally created harmonics, it is possible to resonate and stimulate the pineal gland.

The pineal gland is a small, pine-cone-shaped gland located in the middle of the head. Esoterically, the pineal is often associated with the 'third eye' and was believed by Descartes to be the 'Seat of the Soul'. lt was once thought to be a vestigial organ and is now known to be a light sensitive clock affecting sleep and the sex glands.

Research by scientists such as Robert Beck suggest that the pineal is an organic device which is tuned towards magnetic north to give both humans and animals their sense of direction, Other scientists believe that the pineal is a bio-luminescent organ which has the ability to create light.

The pineal is rich in neuromelanin, which, according to scientist Frank Barr, is a phase-timing, information processing interface molecule which is a photo transducer. This is a substance which has the ability, among other traits, of absorbing and converting light energy to sound.
It also has the ability to turn sound energy into light. Barr believes that melanin and its brain counterpart, neuromelanin, may be the key link between the mind and the brain.

Through stimulation of the pineal gland, neuromelanin is produced. Neuromelanin, a light-sensitive compound triggers the release of a substance which contains phosphorus, a light-producing chemical. By stimulating the pineal gland through vocal harmonics, it may be possible that actual fields of light around the body are enhanced.

While this phenomenon is not too widely known, there does seem to be some reference to it in certain texts.
Dhyani Ywahoo, a Native American medicine woman, writes in "Voices of Our Ancestors", that in the Ancient Mystery Schools the initiations were held in total darkness. The initiates had to be able to produce their own light.
May be this was done through the creation of vocal harmonics. Spiritual scientist J. J. Hurtak writes of the phenomenon of creating light through the pineal gland in The Keys of Enoch:

”The 'light' which activates the pineal gland is not the conventional light of the sun... the brain produces its own light field on a molecular level... our neurocircuitry can produce its own light field”.

Jonathan Goldman discussed with Dr. Tomatis his experience of producing light through sound and suggested the hypothesis of the pineal creating this light. Dr. Tomatis knew of this phenomenon of creating light through sound, but believed that this light was created not through the pineal (the third eye) but through the heart.

It is interesting to note that the heart is an organ which is also extremely rich in melanin. What would be the healing benefits of creating light in this manner? The possibilities seem limitless. We would be enhancing and adding energy to the fields around our bodies, creating or restoring health and balance to areas of imbalance and disease. These possibilities of resonating the pineal through sound are yet another example of the potential use of harmonics to influence and affect the brain for health and well-being.


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