R.I.C (Roots Intention Crew) - "KAÏNA" Le CLIP
WE are Not the ASHES of stars, WE are the Stability of Aether...of God...
The Interstellar Medium
Jul 20, 2010
A diffuse cloud of gas surrounds the Solar System. What is holding it together?
It is often stated that space is a vacuum. It is true that the material in space is at a far lower density than any vacuum that can be created on Earth, but matter does exist in the regions between stars and galaxies. The best pumped vacuums on Earth typically reach a 0.1 millimeter spacing between individual atoms.
Between stars, there is one atom per cubic centimeter, while in the Milky Way's galactic halo they are estimated to be ten centimeters apart. The regions of least density are in the intergalactic voids, where it is theorized that there is only one atom for every ten cubic meters.
The Interstellar Medium (ISM), through which the Solar System and all other star systems are moving, consists of a mass of gas and dust primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, with an admixture of dust grains that are less than one-tenth of a micron in size. One micron is equal to one-millionth of a meter, so the dust is almost as small as the frequency of blue light (0.450 microns).
What the dust is and where it came from is not known, but astrophysicists speculate that it is ejected from stars. Supergiant stars are often seen with immense clouds of dust surrounding them. However, deep space images also reveal dust lanes thousands of light-years in circumference looping around many galaxies.
One important characteristic of the ISM is that it contains ionized particles, as well as neutral molecules. It is those electrons and positive ions that are critical to understanding the behavior of the ISM and how the Solar System interacts with it.
Although the ISM is extremely diffuse, if charge separation takes place in different regions, a weak electric field will develop. An electric field, no matter how weak, will initiate an electric current.
According to a recent press release, there is an unexpected cloud of gas and dust that is encompassing the Sun's heliosheath. Prior to the discovery, conventional understanding did not predict that it would be there because high pressure supernova shockwaves should have blown it away.
However, according to Merav Opher of George Mason University: "Using data from Voyager, we have discovered a strong magnetic field just outside the Solar System. This magnetic field holds the interstellar cloud together and solves the long-standing puzzle of how it can exist at all."
What is the heliosheath? When Voyager 1 experienced "unusual events" as it approached the boundary between the Sun and interstellar space, Electric Universe advocate Wal Thornhill explained that the spacecraft was entering a "double layer", or Langmuir plasma sheath between the solar plasma and the plasma of the ISM.
It is a well-known principle that electric currents generate magnetic fields. Since Opher's research team has found magnetic fields strong enough to hold tenuous clouds of gas and dust together against the influence of hypothetical supernova explosions, then electric currents must be flowing through the ISM in order to create those fields.
Whenever an electric discharge takes place in plasma, the current flow is compressed inward by induced magnetic fields. This effect is known as a "z-pinch", and is a foundational principle of Electric Universe theory. The compression can be so intense that plasma is squeezed down into solid particles. Indeed, stars and galaxies are thought to owe their existence to massive electric currents forming cosmic z-pinches in the vast clouds of plasma that make up 99% of the Universe.
In conclusion, the ultra-fine dust, magnetic fields, influences on spacecraft, and the heliosheath, itself, are all manifestations of the electric force. Electricity will eventually supplant gravitational theory as the primum mobile of existence. Meanwhile, patient observations continue to support Electric Universe concepts.
Jul 20, 2010
A diffuse cloud of gas surrounds the Solar System. What is holding it together?
It is often stated that space is a vacuum. It is true that the material in space is at a far lower density than any vacuum that can be created on Earth, but matter does exist in the regions between stars and galaxies. The best pumped vacuums on Earth typically reach a 0.1 millimeter spacing between individual atoms.
Between stars, there is one atom per cubic centimeter, while in the Milky Way's galactic halo they are estimated to be ten centimeters apart. The regions of least density are in the intergalactic voids, where it is theorized that there is only one atom for every ten cubic meters.
The Interstellar Medium (ISM), through which the Solar System and all other star systems are moving, consists of a mass of gas and dust primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, with an admixture of dust grains that are less than one-tenth of a micron in size. One micron is equal to one-millionth of a meter, so the dust is almost as small as the frequency of blue light (0.450 microns).
What the dust is and where it came from is not known, but astrophysicists speculate that it is ejected from stars. Supergiant stars are often seen with immense clouds of dust surrounding them. However, deep space images also reveal dust lanes thousands of light-years in circumference looping around many galaxies.
One important characteristic of the ISM is that it contains ionized particles, as well as neutral molecules. It is those electrons and positive ions that are critical to understanding the behavior of the ISM and how the Solar System interacts with it.
Although the ISM is extremely diffuse, if charge separation takes place in different regions, a weak electric field will develop. An electric field, no matter how weak, will initiate an electric current.
According to a recent press release, there is an unexpected cloud of gas and dust that is encompassing the Sun's heliosheath. Prior to the discovery, conventional understanding did not predict that it would be there because high pressure supernova shockwaves should have blown it away.
However, according to Merav Opher of George Mason University: "Using data from Voyager, we have discovered a strong magnetic field just outside the Solar System. This magnetic field holds the interstellar cloud together and solves the long-standing puzzle of how it can exist at all."
What is the heliosheath? When Voyager 1 experienced "unusual events" as it approached the boundary between the Sun and interstellar space, Electric Universe advocate Wal Thornhill explained that the spacecraft was entering a "double layer", or Langmuir plasma sheath between the solar plasma and the plasma of the ISM.
It is a well-known principle that electric currents generate magnetic fields. Since Opher's research team has found magnetic fields strong enough to hold tenuous clouds of gas and dust together against the influence of hypothetical supernova explosions, then electric currents must be flowing through the ISM in order to create those fields.
Whenever an electric discharge takes place in plasma, the current flow is compressed inward by induced magnetic fields. This effect is known as a "z-pinch", and is a foundational principle of Electric Universe theory. The compression can be so intense that plasma is squeezed down into solid particles. Indeed, stars and galaxies are thought to owe their existence to massive electric currents forming cosmic z-pinches in the vast clouds of plasma that make up 99% of the Universe.
In conclusion, the ultra-fine dust, magnetic fields, influences on spacecraft, and the heliosheath, itself, are all manifestations of the electric force. Electricity will eventually supplant gravitational theory as the primum mobile of existence. Meanwhile, patient observations continue to support Electric Universe concepts.
Spanish Astronomers Claim Dwarf Sun Beyond Pluto
The idea of a new planet being discovered in our Solar System is pretty exciting. Even more so because of the many theories about "planet-x" or "Nibiru" being associated with space aliens and the doomsday prophecies of 2012.
Scientists at places like NASA and famous observatories have deflected inquiries about the discovery for a few years now, mainly because they feared being associated with these "fringe" theories. But like it or not -- it has happened. Well... according to a team of Spanish artronomers who call themselves the StarViewer Team.
The group made the rounds of all the news web sites in the past two weeks, claiming they discovered something very significant. It's almost twice the size of Jupiter and just beyond our furthest planetoid, Pluto. Although it's not a planet, it appears to have planets or large satellites encircling it. It's what astronomers call a "brown dwarf star" and its official name is "G1.9".
What's a Brown Dwarf Star?
First we'll explain WHAT these astronomers have discovered. Then we'll discuss HOW they discovered it.
At the risk of being scientifically vague, I'll try to explain the current understanding of how stars and planets form in space.
All matter attracts other matter. A larger mass will attract smaller masses towards it. In space this results in growing clouds of matter that tend to clump together and attract more matter. Since most of the matter in space is gaseous, these clouds eventually get so dense that they collapse into dense gaseous spheres. When they do this there is usually some "left over" matter that forms a ring around the sphere.

If there is enough matter in a sphere of hydrogen, for example, it can cause so much compression at the shpere's core that the hydrogen atoms begin to fuse together and a fusion-reaction ignites a new born star. In this reaction two hydrogen atoms join together to form one helium atom and release extra energy as radiation.
Scientists believe that the minimum mass needed to ignite a sun is about 13 times the known mass of the planet Jupiter -- written as "13MJ." If the mass is lower than this, the pressure in the core is not enough to ignite and the sphere will be hot ball of gas called a "brown dwarf."
As a new star spins, the disk surrounding it gradually cools and the matter forms heavier elements like metals and minerals. These "rocks" eventually clump together and form solid spheres called planets.
Sometimes a solid sphere will attract some of the gas that is in the disk and this will result in a gaseous giant, like Jupiter and Saturn, which has a solid core but a thick gaseous atmosphere. These "gas giant" planets can be very massive but, because of their solid cores, they will never ignite and become stars.
This Brown Dwarf
This newly discovered "brown dwarf" is believed to have formed from the same condensed matter that gave birth to our Sun. It is believed that, after the large planets formed around the Sun, they pushed it to the edge of the Solar system where it formed a sphere about 1.9MJ -- well below the mass needed to ignite it as a "sun."
Many suns that we observe in the galaxy are part of binary systems or double stars. There is debate about how two suns form from a single condensed cloud of matter. Some believe that they both form at the same time; others believe they split following the creation of one huge sun.
Sometimes both spheres are capable of fusion and both suns shine brightly, encircling each other around an imaginary point call the barycenter. Sometimes only one sun attains 13MJ and ignites, while its smaller companion, the brown dwarf, glows dimly and radiates heat. Astronomers usually can only see the brightest of the two, but because they both circle around a common barycenter, the wobble reveals the mass of the unseen companion.

We are close to our Sun and within its gravitational influence. So as we are travel through space, it appears to us that the G1.9 is moving in an elipse between our furthest planetoid, Pluto, and the edge of our Solar system, near the Oort Cloud.
Scientists at places like NASA and famous observatories have deflected inquiries about the discovery for a few years now, mainly because they feared being associated with these "fringe" theories. But like it or not -- it has happened. Well... according to a team of Spanish artronomers who call themselves the StarViewer Team.
The group made the rounds of all the news web sites in the past two weeks, claiming they discovered something very significant. It's almost twice the size of Jupiter and just beyond our furthest planetoid, Pluto. Although it's not a planet, it appears to have planets or large satellites encircling it. It's what astronomers call a "brown dwarf star" and its official name is "G1.9".
What's a Brown Dwarf Star?
First we'll explain WHAT these astronomers have discovered. Then we'll discuss HOW they discovered it.
At the risk of being scientifically vague, I'll try to explain the current understanding of how stars and planets form in space.
All matter attracts other matter. A larger mass will attract smaller masses towards it. In space this results in growing clouds of matter that tend to clump together and attract more matter. Since most of the matter in space is gaseous, these clouds eventually get so dense that they collapse into dense gaseous spheres. When they do this there is usually some "left over" matter that forms a ring around the sphere.
If there is enough matter in a sphere of hydrogen, for example, it can cause so much compression at the shpere's core that the hydrogen atoms begin to fuse together and a fusion-reaction ignites a new born star. In this reaction two hydrogen atoms join together to form one helium atom and release extra energy as radiation.
Scientists believe that the minimum mass needed to ignite a sun is about 13 times the known mass of the planet Jupiter -- written as "13MJ." If the mass is lower than this, the pressure in the core is not enough to ignite and the sphere will be hot ball of gas called a "brown dwarf."
As a new star spins, the disk surrounding it gradually cools and the matter forms heavier elements like metals and minerals. These "rocks" eventually clump together and form solid spheres called planets.
Sometimes a solid sphere will attract some of the gas that is in the disk and this will result in a gaseous giant, like Jupiter and Saturn, which has a solid core but a thick gaseous atmosphere. These "gas giant" planets can be very massive but, because of their solid cores, they will never ignite and become stars.
This Brown Dwarf
This newly discovered "brown dwarf" is believed to have formed from the same condensed matter that gave birth to our Sun. It is believed that, after the large planets formed around the Sun, they pushed it to the edge of the Solar system where it formed a sphere about 1.9MJ -- well below the mass needed to ignite it as a "sun."
Many suns that we observe in the galaxy are part of binary systems or double stars. There is debate about how two suns form from a single condensed cloud of matter. Some believe that they both form at the same time; others believe they split following the creation of one huge sun.
Sometimes both spheres are capable of fusion and both suns shine brightly, encircling each other around an imaginary point call the barycenter. Sometimes only one sun attains 13MJ and ignites, while its smaller companion, the brown dwarf, glows dimly and radiates heat. Astronomers usually can only see the brightest of the two, but because they both circle around a common barycenter, the wobble reveals the mass of the unseen companion.
We are close to our Sun and within its gravitational influence. So as we are travel through space, it appears to us that the G1.9 is moving in an elipse between our furthest planetoid, Pluto, and the edge of our Solar system, near the Oort Cloud.
Illuminati Use Sex to Degrade Us
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Porn is so freely available on the Internet, Ican't believe anyone pays for it.
Yet, supposedly porn is a $12 billion a year industry in the US, of which the Internet represents $2.5 billion.
I suspect porn receives a hidden subsidy from the Illuminati so it can be free. This subsidy may take the form of money laundering.
Porn serves a vital function for the Illuminati. We know they want to enslave us using debt, mind control and false flag terrorism. But we are not aware they have a deliberate program to enslave us spiritually using sex.
Put another way, the Illuminati is a satanic cult based on the Jewish Cabala. The course of "modern" history and culture has been designed to induct the human race into this pagan sex cult.
Its cosmology imagines that sexual intercourse somehow restores cosmic harmony. We have imbibed its idea that the mere act of intercourse is an edifying mystical-religious experience. This has resulted in the deification of sex and young beautiful women. The exaggerated place of sex/romantic love in our collective psyche is evidence of mass deviance and satanic possession.
In reality, anonymous sex is an incredibly degrading experience for both men and women.
Sexual degradation is the primary instrument used by the Illuminati to induct people into Satanism.
Thus, they promote everything that is unnatural and perverse: anonymous sex, bestiality, incest, pedophilia, and homosexuality (which usually involves anonymous sex and more.) This is how they enslave mankind.
We don't like to admit it but I'm afraid "sexual liberation" was a ruse.
Monogamy and family are wholesome and life affirming. Sex is consecrated for marriage. Its purpose is to bond husband and wife and to provide a wholesome environment for children.
"Sexual liberation" is the crucial first step to Satanism. It reduces all relationships to the lowest sexual common denominator. Men, and increasingly women, now think in terms of "hot or not," of "hitting" this and "doing" that, no matter how inappropriate. Sex has become a tiresome cultural obsession and fetish. Homosexuality is normalized and promoted.
Anonymous sex is the antithesis of monogamy and family.
Yet anonymous sex is now the norm. We have been conditioned to think of anonymous sex as "self expression" and "liberation."
In fact, it is the unfolding of their satanic methodology. It is how they dehumanize and destroy their members, how they win them for their evil deity.
Progression in the higher ranks of Freemasonry entails a series of increasingly degrading and perverse sexual practices, all designed to flaunt God and nature (i.e. what is healthy and good.)
Craig Heimbichner writes in Blood on the Altar, "the secret knowledge of High Degree Freemasonry had been distilled by the OTO into a system of eleven degrees...the eighth and ninth degrees consist of sex magick (the eighth involves "magical masturbation" and the ninth, coitus--the "Sanctury of the Gnosis" ...while the eleventh contained a homosexual version of the ninth." (p.88)
Unwittingly, we have been inducted into this cult.
In his Commentary on the Book of Laws, Alasdair Crowley
advocated a "Thelemic candour" whereby men proudly behave like beasts.
He argued that "incest, adultery and pederasty: should be openly practiced without "shame, slyness, cowardice or hypocrisy."
Crowley demanded nothing less than childhood's end: "the Beast 666 adviseth that all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act..." (Craig Heimbichner, 113.)
This is taking place before our eyes. The media and the education system are carrying out the Illuminati's satanic agenda with government complicity.
Pornography ensures that we judge people in terms of sex appeal. The damage it has done to male-female relationships is incalculable.
It is a "turn-off" not a "turn on" for many men. Many men have nothing but contempt for women who display themselves wantonly, and this contempt spreads to all women.
Thousands of beautiful young girls are debauched and made unfit for marriage and motherhood. The stated Illuminati-Communist goal is to destroy marriage-family and make women a public sexual utility, i.e. amateur prostitutes.
All this is part of the hidden agenda of pornography. But the most important thing to understand is: We are under massive psychological attack. Sex is being used to enslave and induct us into Satanism. This deluded fascination with sex is a large part of what we call "modernism."
To neutralize this attack, we must eschew pornography and anonymous sex, both in fact and in fantasy.
Porn is so freely available on the Internet, Ican't believe anyone pays for it.
Yet, supposedly porn is a $12 billion a year industry in the US, of which the Internet represents $2.5 billion.
I suspect porn receives a hidden subsidy from the Illuminati so it can be free. This subsidy may take the form of money laundering.
Porn serves a vital function for the Illuminati. We know they want to enslave us using debt, mind control and false flag terrorism. But we are not aware they have a deliberate program to enslave us spiritually using sex.
Put another way, the Illuminati is a satanic cult based on the Jewish Cabala. The course of "modern" history and culture has been designed to induct the human race into this pagan sex cult.
Its cosmology imagines that sexual intercourse somehow restores cosmic harmony. We have imbibed its idea that the mere act of intercourse is an edifying mystical-religious experience. This has resulted in the deification of sex and young beautiful women. The exaggerated place of sex/romantic love in our collective psyche is evidence of mass deviance and satanic possession.
In reality, anonymous sex is an incredibly degrading experience for both men and women.
Sexual degradation is the primary instrument used by the Illuminati to induct people into Satanism.
Thus, they promote everything that is unnatural and perverse: anonymous sex, bestiality, incest, pedophilia, and homosexuality (which usually involves anonymous sex and more.) This is how they enslave mankind.
We don't like to admit it but I'm afraid "sexual liberation" was a ruse.
Monogamy and family are wholesome and life affirming. Sex is consecrated for marriage. Its purpose is to bond husband and wife and to provide a wholesome environment for children.
"Sexual liberation" is the crucial first step to Satanism. It reduces all relationships to the lowest sexual common denominator. Men, and increasingly women, now think in terms of "hot or not," of "hitting" this and "doing" that, no matter how inappropriate. Sex has become a tiresome cultural obsession and fetish. Homosexuality is normalized and promoted.
Anonymous sex is the antithesis of monogamy and family.
Yet anonymous sex is now the norm. We have been conditioned to think of anonymous sex as "self expression" and "liberation."
In fact, it is the unfolding of their satanic methodology. It is how they dehumanize and destroy their members, how they win them for their evil deity.
Progression in the higher ranks of Freemasonry entails a series of increasingly degrading and perverse sexual practices, all designed to flaunt God and nature (i.e. what is healthy and good.)
Craig Heimbichner writes in Blood on the Altar, "the secret knowledge of High Degree Freemasonry had been distilled by the OTO into a system of eleven degrees...the eighth and ninth degrees consist of sex magick (the eighth involves "magical masturbation" and the ninth, coitus--the "Sanctury of the Gnosis" ...while the eleventh contained a homosexual version of the ninth." (p.88)
Unwittingly, we have been inducted into this cult.
In his Commentary on the Book of Laws, Alasdair Crowley
advocated a "Thelemic candour" whereby men proudly behave like beasts.
He argued that "incest, adultery and pederasty: should be openly practiced without "shame, slyness, cowardice or hypocrisy."
Crowley demanded nothing less than childhood's end: "the Beast 666 adviseth that all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act..." (Craig Heimbichner, 113.)
This is taking place before our eyes. The media and the education system are carrying out the Illuminati's satanic agenda with government complicity.
Pornography ensures that we judge people in terms of sex appeal. The damage it has done to male-female relationships is incalculable.
It is a "turn-off" not a "turn on" for many men. Many men have nothing but contempt for women who display themselves wantonly, and this contempt spreads to all women.
Thousands of beautiful young girls are debauched and made unfit for marriage and motherhood. The stated Illuminati-Communist goal is to destroy marriage-family and make women a public sexual utility, i.e. amateur prostitutes.
All this is part of the hidden agenda of pornography. But the most important thing to understand is: We are under massive psychological attack. Sex is being used to enslave and induct us into Satanism. This deluded fascination with sex is a large part of what we call "modernism."
To neutralize this attack, we must eschew pornography and anonymous sex, both in fact and in fantasy.
Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) & the All-Digital TV Broadcast Signal: Connection?
Ever since first hearing of it last spring, I’ve had a deepening sense of foreboding – an unnamed dread of the upcoming shift to an all-digital television broadcast signal, scheduled to occur in February 2009. Now, I believe, that nameless dread may have a name, after all.
The Department of Defense calls it Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), and it also goes by the name of S-quad or Squad. In the private sector, the technology goes by the name of Silent Subliminal Presentation System and the technology has also been released to certain corporate vendors who have attached catchy brand names like BrainSpeak Silent Subliminals to their own SSSS-based products.
Whatever you call it, SSSS is a technology that uses subliminal programming that is carried over Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) broadcast waves, planting inaudible messages directly into the subconscious human mind.
Perfected more than twenty years ago by the Department of Defense and battlefield-tested upon unwitting Iraqi soldiers serving in the army of Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War during 1991, SSSS is a sinister weapon that may have been been developed for a specific mission: the total subjugation of the American people.
Whether SSSS is coupled with the new all-digital TV signal as its means of delivery into the minds of an unsuspecting U.S. populace or not, it can be deployed by many different devices, including HAARP and GWEN towers, which would effectively blanket the entire nation at once. In fact, Judy Wall says that “there is evidence that the US Government has plans to extend the range of this technology to envelop all peoples, all countries. This can be accomplished, is being accomplished, by utilising the nearly completed HAARP project for overseas areas and the GWEN network now in place in the US. The US Government denies all this.”
But the most insidious aspect of SSSS is that it is completely undetectable by those being targeted. Because it delivers its subliminal programming directly to the human brain via the auditory sense at frequencies that humans are incapable of perceiving as sound, there is no defense against it. Everyone on the planet is equally susceptible to mind control via SSSS and there isn’t any escape from it, as the UHF waves can be transmitted over very long distances from remotely located sources and will pass through walls and other objects as if they are not there. UHF is the frequency (100mhz) that has been used for television and radio broadcasting for as long as these media have existed. SSSS is designed to utilize UHF as a carrier wave.
Even more insidious, though, is the fact that, coupled with the use of supercomputers, an individual’s unique electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns can be digitally altered and then stored for rebroadcast via digital UHF. According to Judy Wall, editor and publisher of Resonance, the newsletter of the Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group, these computer-enhanced EEGs “can identify and isolate the brain’s low-amplitude ‘emotion signature clusters,’ synthesise them and store them on another computer. In other words, by studying the subtle characteristic brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion, scientists have been able to identify the concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it.” These modified emotion signature clusters can then be broadcast over UHF carrier frequencies (i.e., regular TV and radio signals) directly into the brain where they can then “silently trigger the same basic emotion in another human being.” In other words, if the emotional signature cluster for, say, a feeling of hopelessness and despair is being fed directly into your brain via unseen radio waves, you will feel those emotions. The implications of this are, quite literally, mind boggling.
This is an extremely timely and important essay. It overviews a secret Pentagon psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) that has been fully operational since the early 1990s. I first found out about the use of this technology from Al Bielek in a 1992 video he made with Vladimir Terziski. This technology was used against battle-hardened Iraqi troops fortified in deep underground bunkers in Kuwait and Iraq in the first Gulf War in January of 1991.
The physical, emotional, and psychological effects of this technology were so severe that hundreds of thousands of Iraqi troops surrended en masse without firing even a single shot against US led coalition forces. The numbers reported in the news were staggering: 75,000 and then annother 125,000 (or more) Iraqi troops would come out of their deep desert bunkers waving white flags and falling to their knees before approaching US troops and literally kiss their captor’s boots or hands if given the opportunity.
Why would eight year veterans of Middle Eastern warfare (with Iran 1980-1988) behave this way? Simple. They were subjected to a technology that was so extreme and incomprehensible that they were suddenly reduced to the level of compliant children and felt grateful to still be alive in the wake of their mind-wrenching experience.
This technology is about to be used, albeit in a more subtle fashion, against American citizens in a highly classified and covert operation to mind control and manipulate the entire population into ‘compliance’ with our New World order overlords. The technology will utilize a combination of HAARP transmitters, GWEN towers, microwave cell phone towers, and the soon-to-be-mandatory High Definition Digital TV that will enter your home via: a) cable, b) satellite, c) HD TVs, or d) those oh-so-easy-to-obtain “digital converter boxes” that the government is so anxious to help you obtain and underwrite most of the cost on your behalf.
But why is the government so anxious to help American citizens experience a clearer and more highly defined television picture? Does that make sense to you? Since when is the government so concerned about the visual quality of our televised entertainment that congress would pass an undebated statutory proclamation which mandated that the HD conversion take place on Feb. 17, 2009 and and then subsidze about 90% of the associated cost?
I’m only guessing, but if there are 200 million “regular” televisions in America to be converted into HD, then that $40 in government subsidy per TV × 200,000,000 = $8 billion. Why is the government so anxious to spend 8 billion dollars on her citizens to improve the clarity of a TV picture? Or is the recently touted “additional bandwidth” cover story that supposedly is to be gained with the HD technology the only and genuine reason for spending so much taxpayer dollars on HD conversion?
The second service that this author performs is to “out” two of our more deceptive CIA/Pentagon ‘assets’ masquerading under the rubric of natural health advocates. Their names are Rima Laibow and her husband, “former” Major General Albert Stubblebine. If your e-mail Inbox has been filling with warnings and articles in recent months about the coming Codex regulations and the “wonderful” job that Rima and her retired Army husband have been doing to try and stem the tide, then you know who I’m talking about.
Folks, is it time to wake up yet? Or should we just resume our slumber and wait for them to take us away in those spiffy Gunderson cattle cars that Phil Schneider warned us about in 1995 (you know, the ones with the built in shackles and manacles)?
Ken Adachi, Educate Yourself.org
+ http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/scalar_tech/esp_scalartech12.htm
The Department of Defense calls it Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), and it also goes by the name of S-quad or Squad. In the private sector, the technology goes by the name of Silent Subliminal Presentation System and the technology has also been released to certain corporate vendors who have attached catchy brand names like BrainSpeak Silent Subliminals to their own SSSS-based products.
Whatever you call it, SSSS is a technology that uses subliminal programming that is carried over Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) broadcast waves, planting inaudible messages directly into the subconscious human mind.
Perfected more than twenty years ago by the Department of Defense and battlefield-tested upon unwitting Iraqi soldiers serving in the army of Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War during 1991, SSSS is a sinister weapon that may have been been developed for a specific mission: the total subjugation of the American people.
Whether SSSS is coupled with the new all-digital TV signal as its means of delivery into the minds of an unsuspecting U.S. populace or not, it can be deployed by many different devices, including HAARP and GWEN towers, which would effectively blanket the entire nation at once. In fact, Judy Wall says that “there is evidence that the US Government has plans to extend the range of this technology to envelop all peoples, all countries. This can be accomplished, is being accomplished, by utilising the nearly completed HAARP project for overseas areas and the GWEN network now in place in the US. The US Government denies all this.”
But the most insidious aspect of SSSS is that it is completely undetectable by those being targeted. Because it delivers its subliminal programming directly to the human brain via the auditory sense at frequencies that humans are incapable of perceiving as sound, there is no defense against it. Everyone on the planet is equally susceptible to mind control via SSSS and there isn’t any escape from it, as the UHF waves can be transmitted over very long distances from remotely located sources and will pass through walls and other objects as if they are not there. UHF is the frequency (100mhz) that has been used for television and radio broadcasting for as long as these media have existed. SSSS is designed to utilize UHF as a carrier wave.
Even more insidious, though, is the fact that, coupled with the use of supercomputers, an individual’s unique electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns can be digitally altered and then stored for rebroadcast via digital UHF. According to Judy Wall, editor and publisher of Resonance, the newsletter of the Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group, these computer-enhanced EEGs “can identify and isolate the brain’s low-amplitude ‘emotion signature clusters,’ synthesise them and store them on another computer. In other words, by studying the subtle characteristic brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion, scientists have been able to identify the concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it.” These modified emotion signature clusters can then be broadcast over UHF carrier frequencies (i.e., regular TV and radio signals) directly into the brain where they can then “silently trigger the same basic emotion in another human being.” In other words, if the emotional signature cluster for, say, a feeling of hopelessness and despair is being fed directly into your brain via unseen radio waves, you will feel those emotions. The implications of this are, quite literally, mind boggling.
This is an extremely timely and important essay. It overviews a secret Pentagon psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) that has been fully operational since the early 1990s. I first found out about the use of this technology from Al Bielek in a 1992 video he made with Vladimir Terziski. This technology was used against battle-hardened Iraqi troops fortified in deep underground bunkers in Kuwait and Iraq in the first Gulf War in January of 1991.
The physical, emotional, and psychological effects of this technology were so severe that hundreds of thousands of Iraqi troops surrended en masse without firing even a single shot against US led coalition forces. The numbers reported in the news were staggering: 75,000 and then annother 125,000 (or more) Iraqi troops would come out of their deep desert bunkers waving white flags and falling to their knees before approaching US troops and literally kiss their captor’s boots or hands if given the opportunity.
Why would eight year veterans of Middle Eastern warfare (with Iran 1980-1988) behave this way? Simple. They were subjected to a technology that was so extreme and incomprehensible that they were suddenly reduced to the level of compliant children and felt grateful to still be alive in the wake of their mind-wrenching experience.
This technology is about to be used, albeit in a more subtle fashion, against American citizens in a highly classified and covert operation to mind control and manipulate the entire population into ‘compliance’ with our New World order overlords. The technology will utilize a combination of HAARP transmitters, GWEN towers, microwave cell phone towers, and the soon-to-be-mandatory High Definition Digital TV that will enter your home via: a) cable, b) satellite, c) HD TVs, or d) those oh-so-easy-to-obtain “digital converter boxes” that the government is so anxious to help you obtain and underwrite most of the cost on your behalf.
But why is the government so anxious to help American citizens experience a clearer and more highly defined television picture? Does that make sense to you? Since when is the government so concerned about the visual quality of our televised entertainment that congress would pass an undebated statutory proclamation which mandated that the HD conversion take place on Feb. 17, 2009 and and then subsidze about 90% of the associated cost?
I’m only guessing, but if there are 200 million “regular” televisions in America to be converted into HD, then that $40 in government subsidy per TV × 200,000,000 = $8 billion. Why is the government so anxious to spend 8 billion dollars on her citizens to improve the clarity of a TV picture? Or is the recently touted “additional bandwidth” cover story that supposedly is to be gained with the HD technology the only and genuine reason for spending so much taxpayer dollars on HD conversion?
The second service that this author performs is to “out” two of our more deceptive CIA/Pentagon ‘assets’ masquerading under the rubric of natural health advocates. Their names are Rima Laibow and her husband, “former” Major General Albert Stubblebine. If your e-mail Inbox has been filling with warnings and articles in recent months about the coming Codex regulations and the “wonderful” job that Rima and her retired Army husband have been doing to try and stem the tide, then you know who I’m talking about.
Folks, is it time to wake up yet? Or should we just resume our slumber and wait for them to take us away in those spiffy Gunderson cattle cars that Phil Schneider warned us about in 1995 (you know, the ones with the built in shackles and manacles)?
Ken Adachi, Educate Yourself.org
+ http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/scalar_tech/esp_scalartech12.htm
Historian warns of sudden collapse of American ‘empire’
Harvard professor and prolific author Niall Ferguson opened the 2010 Aspen Ideas Festival Monday with a stark warning about the increasing prospect of the American “empire” suddenly collapsing due to the country’s rising debt level.
“I think this is a problem that is going to go live really soon,” Ferguson said. “In that sense, I mean within the next two years. Because the whole thing, fiscally and other ways, is very near the edge of chaos. And we’ve seen already in Greece what happens when the bond market loses faith in your fiscal policy.”
Ferguson said empires — such as the former Soviet Union and the Roman empire — can collapse quite quickly and the tipping point is often when the cost of servicing an empire’s debt is larger than the cost of its defense budget.
- http://www.aspendailynews.com/section/home/141349
- http://larouchepac.com/node/15139
by Brent Gardner-Smith, Aspen Daily News Staff Writer
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
“I think this is a problem that is going to go live really soon,” Ferguson said. “In that sense, I mean within the next two years. Because the whole thing, fiscally and other ways, is very near the edge of chaos. And we’ve seen already in Greece what happens when the bond market loses faith in your fiscal policy.”
Ferguson said empires — such as the former Soviet Union and the Roman empire — can collapse quite quickly and the tipping point is often when the cost of servicing an empire’s debt is larger than the cost of its defense budget.
- http://www.aspendailynews.com/section/home/141349
- http://larouchepac.com/node/15139
by Brent Gardner-Smith, Aspen Daily News Staff Writer
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A common misnomer that has been circulated by academia's anointed historians is that the alchemists of antiquity were attempting to transform lead into gold. In truth, this was a fiction promulgated by the alchemists themselves to conceal their ultimate objectives . . .the transformation of man into a god. Among one of the various occult organizations that aspired to complete this alchemical mission was Freemasonry. Providing a summation of Masonry's supreme goal, Masonic scholar W.L. Wilmshurst writes: This - the evolution of man into superman [emphasis - ADDED] - was always the purpose of the ancient Mysteries, and the real purpose of modern Masonry is, not the social and charitable purposes to which so much attention is paid, but the expediting of the spiritual evolution of those who aspire to perfect their own nature and transform it into a more god-like quality. And this is a definite science, a royal art, which it is possible for each of us to put into practice; whilst to join the Craft for any other purpose than to study and pursue this science is to misunderstand its meaning (Wilmshurst, p. 47, 1980).
According to this alchemical mandate, humanity is a gradually developing deity requiring scientific assistance in its evolution. In Mystic Masonry, 32nd degree Mason J.D. Buck reiterates this theme of man as a progressively apotheosizing organism: "Humanity, 'in-toto', then, is the only Personal God" (Buck, p. 136, 1990). Of course, the concept of evolution would later be disseminated on the popular level as Darwinism and become the veritable cornerstone of contemporary science.
Before its popularization, evolutionary theory was the intellectual property of Masonry. Freemason Erasmus Darwin, Charles' grandfather, "originated almost every important idea that has since appeared in evolutionary theory" (Darlington, p. 62, 1959). It is hardly a coincidence that many of Charles Darwin's chief promoters were Freemasons, not the least of which being T.H. Huxley. It is even less of a coincidence that Charles Darwin's cousin, Sir Francis Galton, would become one of the early expediters of Masonry's alchemical agenda....
By Phillip D. Collins
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